Stilvoll, Minimalistisch und Maskulin. Diese drei Worte beschreiben die Beautybrand SA.AL&CO wohl am treffendsten. Mit einer extrem coolen, rauen und gleichzeitig frischen Skincaremarke für Männer brachte das Label industriellen Charm in die Badezimmer der Männer von Spanien bis Hong Kong. Von Duschgel bis Rasiercreme bietet SA.AL&CO alles, was der moderne Man-On-The-Run wirklich braucht.
Passend zu dieser Markenphilosophie machten sich die kreativen Köpfe hinter der Brand auf eine neue Mission: Wer ist eigentlich dieser Man-On-The-Run? Auf der Suche nach Diesem, spannender Inspiration und den besten lokalen Tips für nationale und internationale Metropolen kommen verschiedene Männer zu Wort. Pilot dieser kommenden Interviewreihe portraitiert die Instagram Style Ikone Simone Righi aus Florenz.
Righi zierte bereits öfters die Seiten diverser Mode Magazine und Blogs, ist eine Styleikone der Pitti Uomo und führt selbst einen Tailoring Shop mitten in Florenz. Mit SA.AL&CO spricht Simone über Social Media, seine Lieblingsmodemarken und natürlich auch über Sex! Aber seht selbst:
Can someone’s personal style evolve?
Absolutely, yes. After 30 years of experience, I can say that people are usually reserved in the beginning, they have a firm, yet imperfect vision that makes them feel confident. My work is firstly to find out what exactly makes them confident and to show how their vision can be advanced and enriched with the help of colors, shapes and other options. It is very important to open up. To have an intention to change. Because life is an evolution. I’m talking about such clothing that makes you curious, open-minded and taking small steps. So there’s no need for revolutions, to dress in red if you only wore gray before, but rather to take small steps that expand the number of options that you can choose from. This creates the possibility to overcome the predicaments (of evolution).
What’s better than… sex?
Better than sex? Well…It’s a little mean to ask a man something like this, but Better than sex? Let’s say… better than sex to me is… to paint. The experience of painting closely resembles the experience of making love to me. When I paint, I am strongly present. Just like – I hope – I am strongly present when I have sex.
What world leader would you dress and how?
Leaders have to appear in a similar fashion, so I don’t like any of them. But possibly, someone who could be quite interesting, is Obama. Perhaps, I’d like to dress him. First, we would have to meet, so that I could get to know him, learn, what kind of a Man he is. Not what kind of a president or ex-president. I would enjoy that! Partly, because I choose an undemanding man. Owing to the fact that he has physical attributes that allow grandiose possibilities. However, the ultimate challenge would be to dress Berlusconi. I would love that challenge. Because I know that I would succeed.
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