Activist Edition

I Am That Proud Kid

Written by Cherrie O. for KIDS OF THE DIASPORA

I am that proud kid,
shout it out loud kid

More than words could ever say

Don’t you know the alphabet
and what marsha said way back

Is just how we’re taught to be

white, pink, light blue, brown and black
read the aura of our flag

as the colours unfold
the rainbow extends

and so that everybody understands
the shouting has to be so loud
for love to make the world go round

like no cage can shut away a lion’s pride
hear true lioness roar tonight

ain’t no doubt about it
I am proud to be that kid.


Photography, Film and Editing
Eric Asamoah

Creative Concept and Styling
Leni Charles & Cherrie O.

Creative Direction
Leni Charles

Casting Direction
Cherrie O.

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